Industrial Medicine | Tactical Medicine
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*Statistics based on current data from onsite and near-site contracts
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Advanced Press
Industrial Program Press:
Blog: The Impact of Athletic Trainers in Industrial Medicine
Presentation: Tactical Enhanced Performance
Tactical Program Press:
Article: A study in blue: Stevens Point Police Department leads the way in officer health
Article: Antigo Fire Department Receives Grant to Help with Fitness
Article: More Than a Workplace- Exploring the Tactical On-Site Athletic Trainer Model
Presentation: A Small Agency’s Guide to Techniques for Reducing and Managing Officer Injuries
Presentation: Bridging physical and mental wellness through working with the nervous system
Presentations: Injury Prevention and Proactive Management, Mental Health and Wellbeing, Sleep, and Nutrition for law enforcement
Podcast: A discussion on fitness testing standards for law enforcement officers
Podcast: Implementing a program to reduce and manage police officer injuries