Blogs by Topic:
Why Physical therapy or Occupational therapy:
Choose PT First to save time and money
Are you a smart consumer of Healthcare?
Pain relief without medication
What you need to know about arthritis
Your x-rays and MRIs show us the wrinkles on the inside
A new way to Treat Fibromyalgia
Share your goals; they’re important to us!
Back and Neck Pain:
Best way to get rid of back and neck pain
Essential Exercises for Back pain
Can PT help with Headaches/ Migraines?
Can PT help Back Pain? What we learned from Starbucks
Prevent and Treat Shoulder Pain
Elbow Tendonitis, a.k.a Tennis Elbow
Wrist/ Hand:
Why Flip Flops may not be your best option
Pelvic Health:
What is Pelvic Health Physical Therapy
How to stay active during pregnancy
Tips & Tricks to Prepare for Surgery
Stronger going into Surgery, Stronger Coming out.
Common Interventions:
Should I be Stretching or Strengthening?
A PTs Guide to Snow Shoveling Safety
Winter Safety in Industry: Navigating Cold Conditions with Confidence
Finding your balance in winter
Keeping your arms and hands safe in the Winter
Protecting your joints with summer activities
Information for all of our Green Thumbs
Preventing Pickleball Injuries
Could early specialization be the problem?
Everything you need to know about Concussions
Importance of Baseline Concussion Testing
Return to Running, Spring Edition
Injury Prevention, do shoes matter?
Orchestra and Performing Arts:
Industrial medicine:
Impact of Athletic Trainers in Industrial Care
Lifting Basics Part 1: Warm-ups, Cool-downs, Strengthening
Lifting Basics Part 2: Safe Lifting Practices ALL Workers Should Know.
Lifting Basics Part 3: Exploring Safe and Effective Lifting Techniques
Lifting Basics Part 4: Effective Ways to Safely Move Objects
Tactical Medicine:
Return to Work Assessment for an Injured Police Officer
Police Support Staff Person of the Year
Things we learned from participating in a mass-casualty simulation
Getting more activity during your workday
Decrease Fatigue and Reduce Stiffness
Direct Contracting:
Our role in providing exceptional care to the employees of local School Districts
Importance of physical activity
Why you need a PT on your team
The 4 P’s of Energy Conservation
Hidden Aches and Pains caused by Cell Phones
How to decrease the aches and pains brought on by using your phone
Movement Vital Sign, what is that?
You’re never too old to strength train
Improve your mood with exercise, especially during the holidays
Importance of Building Strength
Meet the Team:
Quenching the thirst for knowledge, one employee at a time
“Lots of people don’t like water,” she began.
Lynsey Hansen is one of Advanced Physical Therapy & Sports Medicine’s Industrial Athletic Trainers. It’s her job to care for employees of the companies, organizations and municipalities at which she works.
Hydration is one of her things. She brings it up a lot. But she tries not to hound.
“Being properly hydrated is super important, so I talk about it frequently,” said Hansen. “It can actually help improve your overall well-being.”
How that conversation starts is dependent on her audience—a police officer, a firefighter or someone in industry—but the questions that follow are the same:
“How have you been feeling lately?”
“How have you been sleeping?”
If the answer to either is “Not that great,” Hansen will touch on hydration in pretty short order.
If someone says they’re tired, she’ll ask how much water they’ve been drinking; Hansen uses the standard “drink half your weight in ounces per day” as the bare minimum, then adjusts that based on activity levels. If it’s about frequency and getting up at night, she’ll discuss front-loading the day with water intake. If it’s about simply increasing water consumption, she’ll provide tips to get reluctant water drinkers to move in the right direction (she sees sports drinks as a kind of compromise, which supplies some benefits but includes lots of additives).
Or, said Hansen, they might be complaining of being tired or in pain or struggling with some sort of issue that makes them reliant on eating sugary things or drinking caffeinated beverages.
“Many times in these moments when our body wants those things, we’re just dehydrated,” she said. “If you’re dragging or feeling like crap on a daily basis, you need to understand drinking more water can flip the script. Such knowledge can be a powerful motivator.”
Hansen acknowledges that getting people on board with better hydration (and better health and sleep as well) is not always an easy sell.
“If you don’t want to do it, you’re not going to do it, regardless of what I say.”
But the resolute athletic trainer carries on, undaunted, sprinkling her discussions with tips that might resonate with the unenthusiastic H2O consumer:
“Add low-sugar Liquid IV to your water now and then. It tastes great, keeps you in the hydration habit, and trust me, it enhances the functioning of your cellular transport chain!”
“Athletes prioritize hydration. You’re an industrial or tactical athlete, so you need to have that exact mindset. Now drop and give me twenty!”
“Put 6 rubber bands around your 16 oz. water bottle because that’s how many bottles you should aim to drink daily. Every time you drink one, take one of the bands and put it on your wrist. By the end of the day, all 6 should be off the bottle and on your wrist! Easy way to keep track!”
At the mention of rubber bands, Hansen segues into another subject near and dear to every athletic trainer: injury prevention.
“Sorry, that just made my brain go this way. Your muscles are rubber band-like, so when you're hydrated, your muscles have that fluidity and pliability. When a force comes on, your muscles can take it and bounce back. If you’re dehydrated, your muscles will be super tight, and any force that comes along can create damage. Staying hydrated helps you prevent injuries. So rubber bands are very cool on many levels.”
Speaking of injuries, Hansen has a concussion tale, a fall of about three stories from a pyramid.
And there’s another about tearing her hamstring from the bone (it didn’t stop her from what she needed to do, however).
She’s a tenacious one, no doubt.
But those are stories for another time . . .
A Physical Therapist's Guide to Snow Shoveling Safety
Hello, everyone!
As a physical therapist, I’m here to share some important tips about snow shoveling. It’s a common winter chore, but if not done properly, it can lead to some aches, pains, and or injuries. So, let’s dive in!
Choosing the Right Shovel:
The first step to safe snow shoveling is choosing the right shovel. Look for one with a curved handle. This can help you keep your back straighter while shoveling.
Also, a smaller blade will require you to lift less snow, reducing the strain on your body.
Warm-Up Exercises:
Before you start shoveling, it’s important to warm up your body.
Try marching in place or walking for a few minutes.
Follow this with gentle stretching exercises for your back, arms, and legs to prepare them for the activity ahead.
Your Physical Therapist can help you identify any specific stretches or areas to stretch that would benefit you most.
Proper Lifting Techniques:
When you’re shoveling, remember to lift with your legs and not your back.
Stand with your feet hip-width apart for balance and keep the shovel close to your body. Bend from the knees, not the back, and tighten your stomach muscles and buttocks as you lift the snow. Avoid twisting movements. If you need to move the snow to one side, reposition your feet to face the direction the snow will be going.
Potential Risks and Injuries:
Improper snow shoveling can lead to various injuries. These include strains and sprains, particularly in the back and shoulders. In severe cases, it can cause heart-related illnesses like heart attacks.
Remember, it’s a strenuous activity that raises your heart rate and blood pressure. Always listen to your body and stop if you feel pain or discomfort.
Watch for Overexertion:
Overexertion is a serious concern when shoveling snow. Be sure to take frequent breaks and drink plenty of water. If you feel any signs of overexertion, such as dizziness, sweating excessively, or shortness of breath, stop shoveling immediately and seek medical attention.
Snow shoveling is a necessary part of winter for many of us, but it’s important to do it safely. By choosing the right shovel, warming up, using proper lifting techniques, understanding the risks, and watching for overexertion, you can keep yourself safe this winter season.
If you have any questions, please contact your physical therapist for further guidance.
Stay safe and warm out there!
Dr. Chris O’Connell is an Orthopedic Certified Specialist at our Appleton North Clinic on Enterprise Dr.
Winter Safety in Industry: Navigating Cold Conditions with Confidence
As the temperature drops, it’s important to be reminded of best practices to stay safe (and warm). The following tips should always be top of mind:
Good Things Have Layers: Lasagna. Tiramisu. Employees who aren’t cold. Dressing in layers allows you to trap heat easily while providing you the ability to adjust clothing as needed. Start with a moisture-wicking layer (synthetic or polypropylene, not cotton!) to avoid your body cooling down due to sweat. Then add a light insulating layer (light fleece or long-sleeve shirt) to retain heat and, if needed, a heavier fleece to trap the heat and keep you warm. Choose layers that are compliant with your employer and allow the movement needed for work. A wind/waterproof layer can be added to increase protection during outdoor tasks.
Put Your Best Foot Forward: Good traction is key for navigating winter conditions. Invest in non-slip, insulated boots to prevent slips and falls on icy surfaces as well as to keep your feet warm. We chose the word invest deliberately, as well-made footwear will generate benefits. Avoid a tight fit that restricts circulation and movement. What’s inside of your boots is important as well. We recommend a two-layer sock system for cold conditions. Again, lose the cotton and opt for a thin polypropylene sock with a wool sock over top. The first layer allows moisture to be wicked from the feet, and wool stays warm even when wet from snow or sweat.
Have a Nice Trip, and See You Next Fall: This is not breaking news, but we’ll shout it out nonetheless: SNOW & ICE CREATE HAZARDS! Slips trips, and falls—the most common of workplace injuries—increase dramatically during winter months. To prevent such occurrences, along with the pain and embarrassment that often accompany them, snow and ice should be cleared from all walking surfaces. Salt and deicer should be used as quickly as possible for the best results. If walking on snow or ice is unavoidable, take shorter steps and walk slower to improve reaction time to traction changes.
I Don’t Feel Thirsty: Yes, but you still need to hydrate. During the winter season, it is not uncommon to feel like we need to consume less fluids. This can be perceived by less perspiration and decreased feelings of thirst. However, we are still losing fluids through respiration, sweat, and urination even in cold weather. Proper hydration is crucial to ensure our bodies can generate enough heat to maintain a healthy body temperature. Drink water regularly throughout the day even if you don’t feel thirsty. Decrease the intake of beverages with high concentrations of alcohol and caffeine as those can contribute to dehydration.
Communication Matters: Report any safety concerns promptly to ensure a quick and effective response to potential hazards and decrease the risk of injury. Enough said, right?
By following these safety guidelines, we can ensure a safe environment for everyone. Stay vigilant, stay warm, and let's navigate this winter season with caution and care.
All this being said, accidents do happen, and know Advanced Physical Therapy & Sports Medicine is here when you need us!
Providing Experiences for the Next Generation of Professionals
Getting people back to what they love is the job of an athletic trainer. Ensuring there are plenty of high-caliber graduates ready to serve active populations is the job of universities and colleges, whose programs provide interactive learning environments that will prepare students to enter the profession.
Advanced Physical Therapy & Sports Medicine (APTSM) plays a vital role in the process.
“It’s important we offer internships and job shadowing opportunities for those on the path to becoming athletic trainers,” said APTSM’s Traci Tauferner. “The field is projected to grow 25% by the end of the decade.”
While there is a broad range of settings for the athletic trainer—physician practices, professional sports, clinics specializing in sports medicine, occupational health, and performing arts, to name a few—the vast majority of graduates will enter the field’s most traditional setting: schools.
That’s where Tauferner started out after earning her athletic training degree at UW-Oshkosh. With a robust resume developed since her graduation—she’s the Director of Industrial & Tactical Medicine at Advanced—Tauferner now devotes time both to her administrative duties as well as to the onsite therapy services she delivers at multiple locations.
Tauferner is committed to bringing attention to industrial athletic training, especially as the need for athletic trainers to prevent, evaluate, manage, and rehabilitate conditions faced by workforces—directly at companies and municipalities—continues to grow.
“Achieving injury prevention and cost control in this day and age for the industries and tactical groups we serve is not just a desired outcome,” said Tauferner. “In many cases, it’s a matter of survival.”
More than 55 Wisconsin companies and organizations utilize Advanced PT’s hallmark program of onsite wellness solutions. APTSM’s dedication to workplace health and safety has contributed to recognition at local, state, and national levels.
That kind of focus includes providing learning opportunities for those interested in pursuing a career in the field, and Tauferner is passionate about students understanding the paths available to them.
“It’s important for us to provide these experiences for the next generation, especially so in the bourgeoning industrial and tactical realms, as fewer than 5% of graduates are going into those sectors,” she said.
The connection between APTSM and Tauferner’s alma mater remains strong, as evidenced by UW-Oshkosh student Cade Littleton’s recent experience.
Littleton, a senior in the Masters of Athletic Training Program, spent the summer working through four specific rotations: clinical, hospital, professional team, and industrial/tactical.
Littleton said a few football injuries (“some hip and shoulder pain, but nothing huge like a blown ACL”) led him to seek treatment. Though his high school didn’t have a traditional athletic trainer, a nearby orthopedic group supplied the small school with a physical therapist, and Littleton found himself fascinated by the PT’s skills.
“I was just very interested in what he did, so much so that I actually job shadowed him for one of my classes,” said Littleton. “That set me on the PT path, but once I got to school and got a little more experience with athletic training, I became drawn to that, to work with a younger and highly active population.”
To meet the requirements of the program, one of Littleton’s rotations had him paired with Tauferner.
“This was actually the third time I had met Traci,” said Littleton. “I met her following a presentation she did on mental health, then at the WATA (Wisconsin Athletic Trainers’ Association) conference this year.”
For two weeks Littleton followed Tauferner’s schedule (“yeah, she starts early”), which included stints with the tactical groups she services.
“It was cool to see the firefighters and police officers and how they handle things at their own facilities,” said Littleton. “It was a lot different than my traditional experiences.”
With those tactical groups, Tauferner gave Littleton the opportunity to do full evaluations; she provided guidance, talking Littleton through treatment options and giving him the chance to “do his own thing.”
“Traci allowed me to do a lot more hands-on than I expected, so that was really cool,” he said.
He also learned about Tauferner’s use of and advocacy for modern cupping techniques.
“Just how she used cupping and explained it so it made sense to the client was very interesting,” said Littleton. “That helped me a lot because I’m still a student trying to figure this stuff out.”
Asked about key takeaways following the rotation, Littleton doesn’t hesitate.
“The experience pushes me to continue to learn, to ask questions, and to demand respect as Traci does.”
Littleton admitted he’d like to replicate the demeanor Tauferner exhibited throughout their time together.
“Traci’s vibe is straight confidence,” said Littleton. “The setting doesn’t matter.”
Summer rotations are complete, Littleton is now working with UW-O’s athletic trainer for 2023 football season. Set to graduate next May, Littleton is currently leaning towards working in the high school or college setting, but he’s not ruling anything out.
“I’m not 100% sure yet,” said Littleton.
If uncertain about his job setting, Littleton expresses a clearer view in the geographic sense.
“I’m up to moving,” he said. “I’m not a huge fan of winter.”
If you or a student you know is interested in experiencing what Advanced does every day, contact us today!.
The Importance of the Lymphatic System and How We Can Help
Photo caption: OT and Certified Lymphedema Therapist, Allie, teaches our Clinicians about Lymphedema management after surgery.
What is the Lymphatic System?
The lymphatic system is a part of our body that helps keep us healthy.
This system is made up of lymph nodes, lymph vessels, and lymphatic organs, like the spleen and thymus gland. Lymph is a clear fluid that flows through the lymphatic vessels and is filtered by the lymph nodes. It's like a network of tiny tunnels and filters that help remove germs and waste from our bodies.
When germs and other harmful substances enter our bodies, they can get trapped in the lymphatic system. The lymph nodes filter out these harmful substances, like bacteria, viruses, and cancer cells. They also produce special cells called lymphocytes that help fight infection and disease.
Sometimes, the lymphatic system can become blocked. This condition is called lymphedema. Lymphedema can cause swelling in the arms or legs and can be caused by things like surgery, radiation therapy, or infection.
How can We Help?
Connecting with a physical therapist, occupational therapist or Certified Lymphedema Therapist can help manage lymphedema.
These practitioners can design exercise programs that help move lymphatic fluid out of the affected area, reduce swelling, and improve the range of motion.
They may also use techniques like manual lymphatic drainage massage, compression bandaging, and skin care to manage the condition— In these situations, it may be best to connect with a Certified Lymphedema Therapist to discuss this further.
In summary, it's essential to take care of our lymphatic system so it can keep us healthy. We can do this by eating a healthy diet, exercising enough, avoiding injuries that could damage the lymphatic system, and practicing good hygiene. If we do develop lymphedema or other lymphatic system disorders, it’s best to connect with a trained provider that can help manage the condition to reduce pain, improve mobility and keep you doing the things you love to do!
Connect with one of our skilled Certified Lymphedema Specialists to learn more:
Occupational Therapist, Allison Salm at our Touchmark location
Physical Therapist, Lara Bleck at our Appleton West location.
Contact us here if you want to schedule a visit with our team.
What is Modern Cupping Therapy?
Modern Cupping Therapy is a form of alternative therapy that has gained popularity in recent years. It involves the use of cups made of glass, silicone, or plastic that are placed on the skin to create suction. This suction is believed to increase blood flow to the area and promote healing.
Cupping therapy has been used for centuries in traditional Chinese medicine, and its modern iteration has evolved to become a non-invasive and safe therapy.
Here's what you need to know about this popular alternative therapy:
How does Modern Cupping Therapy work?
During a cupping session, a therapist places cups on the skin and creates suction. The suction is created using a handheld pump. Once the cups are in place, they are left on the skin for several minutes before being removed. Sometimes, they are moved in a very specific pattern or sequence depending on the desired effect.
The suction created by the cups is believed to stimulate blood flow to the area and promote healing. It can also help to relax the muscles, reduce pain, and improve overall circulation.
What conditions can Modern Cupping Therapy help with?
It can be used to help many different conditions including, but not limited to, those listed below:
Back pain
Neck pain
Shoulder pain
Knee pain
Is Modern Cupping Therapy safe?
Yes! It is generally safe when performed by a qualified healthcare professional. Minor side effects may include mild discomfort, bruising, or skin irritation. It is important to seek the advice of a qualified healthcare professional before using cupping therapy.
Modern Cupping Therapy is a popular alternative therapy that has gained popularity in recent years. It involves the use of cups placed on the skin to create suction, which is believed to stimulate blood flow and promote healing. The therapy is generally safe when performed by a qualified healthcare professional and can help with a variety of conditions. However, it should not be used as a replacement for conventional medical treatment. If you are interested in trying Modern Cupping Therapy, call today and we can chat further to determine if cupping is right for you and how to work it into your treatment program.
Wang, Sz., Lu, Yh., Wu, M. et al. Cupping Therapy for Diseases: An Overview of Scientific Evidence from 2009 to 2019. Chin. J. Integr. Med. 27, 394–400 (2021).
Mohamed, Ayman A., Zhang, Xueyan, and Jan, Yih-Kuen. ‘Evidence-based and Adverse-effects Analyses of Cupping Therapy in Musculoskeletal and Sports Rehabilitation: A Systematic and Evidence-based Review’. 1 Jan. 2023 : 3 – 19.
“Police Support Staff Person of the Year.”
Traci Tauferner supplying rehab services at Wausau PD.
On January 7, 2023, the Wausau Police Department recognized Traci Tauferner as “Police Support Staff Person of the Year.” Tauferner, the Director of Industrial & Tactical Medicine at Advanced Physical Therapy & Sports Medicine, provides onsite preventative and reactive care for members of the Department and has been doing so since 2020.
Those who know Traci understand how squirmy this blog will make her, as she is the consummate team player who shuns any form of self-aggrandizement; however, the award is in her name, so we’re going to roll the dice and hope she’s too busy to notice we posted this.
And to put us in an even more precarious situation—because Traci flips really big tractor tires just for the fun of it—we’re going to use her own words to explain what she does and why:
“My passion to do my job to serve and protect others can be directly linked to the events of 9/11. The moment I saw TV news footage of departing soldiers leaving their families at airports across the country, I knew I was also going to help. I joined the Army soon after, and my 17 year old self went from "What have I gotten myself into?" to "I am capable of so much more than I have ever thought.
“I spent nine years in the National Guard, including a six-month deployment in Iraq providing security and surveillance support for tactical units. This training led me to where I am today. Helping others do what their job requires is what fuels and excites me, and a good deal of my energy now goes into developing programs and strategies that ensure essential job requirements can be performed safely.
“The day-to-day work with my tactical teams puts me in the unique position of understanding the physical and mental stressors they face; more importantly, it affords me the opportunity to do something about these circumstances. By providing the most advanced conditioning and rehabilitation resources available to the professionals tasked with keeping their communities safe, we can keep them performing at the highest levels while dramatically reducing the financial burdens placed on their departments.”
Congratulations, Traci!
Advanced Physical Therapy & Sports Medicine provides onsite therapy for Wisconsin companies, organizations and municipalities ranging from 50 to over 5,000 employees. To learn more about how we can customize an injury prevention and management program for your workforce, contact Traci Tauferner at 920-979-5597.
Make a Resolution to Not Make a Resolution
It’s the time of year when many people (well, perhaps not George Costanza) ponder making some improvements in their lives.
But let’s not consider this blog a catalyst for creating a list of New Year’s resolutions, as 25% of us quit those in the first week and nearly half of us are done by February 1.
So, how about trying to be a little more mindful in 2023?
Studies suggest practicing mindfulness leads to a plethora of benefits that include the reduction of anxiety and depression, greater enthusiasm for life, and improved self-esteem.
Best of all, mindfulness is accessible to all!
So this year, instead of joining the Seinfeld 4 (show creator Larry David insisted Jerry, George, Elaine and Kramer were to show absolutely no growth, ever) let’s try a little mindfulness, often described as the ancient art of being present in the moment.
First, Mindfulness Meditation:
Find a place where you can sit quietly and not be disturbed. For a few moments, anyway. Let’s start with 8-10 minutes, but don’t get overly concerned with timing.
Focus attention on your breathing, as it enters and exits the body. Won’t be long before your mind wanders, which means you’re being pulled out of the present. That’s all right. Try to notice your thoughts and feelings as if you’re an outside observer. Return focus to your breathing. Notice where your thoughts are going, accept what’s happening, but always try to return your concentration to your breathing.
Try to do the 8-10 minutes once a day. Before long you will be able to put more focus on your breathing and less on any upcoming plans you may have.
Next, Mindful Eating:
A practice food often used is the raisin. Yes, a single raisin. Move slowly through the following steps.
· Pick up the food. Notice it’s texture, color, size.
· Hold the raisin to your nose and notice the smell.
· Place raisin on your tongue but don’t eat it. Notice texture again. Roll it around your mouth and notice taste as well as paying attention to the feeling.
· Finally, begin to chew the raisin. Pay close attention to the flavor, the texture inside, how it reacts with your body—saliva, temperature of your tongue, any other sensations.
This process just slows everything down and helps you become more aware. Once you do this with a raisin (should take a minute or two), imagine how much more enjoyable your favorite foods become? And you don’t have to wolf things down. Practice often.
We’ll revisit mindfulness throughout 2023. There’s so much to learn, but it’s best to start small and doable. Declaring that the new year will be a veritable “Summer of George” is a bit vague, much too broad, and entirely unrealistic.
Remember, mindfulness is all about paying attention to your thoughts, your actions, and your body. Taking these little steps on a regular basis—grounding yourself in the present—can lead to big benefits and a healthier life.
Dry Needling
Autumn Paul, PT, DPT
You may have heard about dry needling from one of your friends or family members and now you are thinking, “What is dry needling? Could I benefit from it?”
Dry needling involves the practitioner using a solid filiform needle or hollow-core hypodermic needle (similar to an acupuncture needle) to place it through the skin and enter the muscle. The goal is to place the needle specifically into a myofascial trigger point (hyperactive muscle fibers).
These trigger points can be located in a tense band of muscle. For example, many people have tightness or soreness in their shoulders or necks from the tension they carry throughout the day.
These hyperactive muscle fibers (tense bands of muscle) can send signals to other parts of your body which are considered “referred pain”.
The goal of dry needling is to pierce these trigger points in order to allow these muscle fibers to relax, which can help reduce your pain levels.
“So what conditions may dry needling help with?”
● Headaches
● Shoulder/neck pain/tightness
● Lower back pain/ tightness
● Tennis and golfer’s elbow
● Knee pain
● Shin splints
● TMJ/jaw pain
● Plantar fasciitis
● Hip Pain/ tightness
“Can any physical therapist perform dry needling?”
In order to be able to perform dry needling, the physical therapist is required to go through extensive training. This training includes studying human anatomy and hands-on practice. These training sessions are often a weekend course or even several weekend courses.
“Awesome, I want to see a physical therapist who can assess and see if I could potentially benefit from dry needling. How do I make an appointment?”
First, look online to see what location is closest to you. Then, you can request to schedule an appointment with a physical therapist who is certified to perform dry needling.
Firth C, Meon J, Price M, Taylor J, Grace S. Dry Needling: A literature Review. Journal of the Australian Traditional-Medicine Society . 2020;26(1):22-28. Accessed January 14, 2021.
Benefits of Diaphragmatic Breathing
Kelsey Hinkley, DPT
We tend to underestimate the power of breathing! Breathing is an automatic response we typically do without thinking about it. However, breathing and how we breathe has shown to be extremely important.
There are many benefits specifically to diaphragmatic breathing. Some include but are not limited to:
· Lowering cortisone (the body’s stress hormone) to help your body relax (6)
· Lowering the body’s heart rate
· Lowering blood pressure
· Reducing gastric reflux by applying pressure to the esophagus (4)
· Increasing sustained attention (6)
· Reducing swelling and improving efficiency of the lymphatic system (1)
The diaphragm is an upside down U-shaped, skeletal muscle that separates our chest from the abdominal cavity. When we inhale, the diaphragm contracts pulling down and flattening. This helps create a vacuum effect to pull air into our lungs. When we exhale, the diaphragm relaxes back into that U shape, helping to push air out of the lungs. (4,5) The more air we bring into our body, the better we can oxygenate our blood.
Here is a link to a video tutorial that provides a 3-D view of the diaphragm during diaphragmatic breathing:
If we are stressed or have cardiopulmonary issues, we tend to be shallow breathers and use accessory muscles in our necks rather than our diaphragm. This could lead to muscle imbalance, tension, headaches, decreased oxygen levels, and pain. The more we perform diaphragmatic breathing, the more optimally we function. If we do not breathe like this naturally, it is important to practice this type of breathing. The more we practice, the more efficient and more automatic this type of breathing becomes.
How to Perform Diaphragmatic Breathing (3):
1. Lie on your back with your knees bent and your back flat
2. Place your hands on your stomach (A.) or place one hand on your stomach and one on your chest (B.) and concentrate on your breathing
3. Inhale while expanding your stomach with minimal to no trunk or chest movement
4. Then exhale without forcing.
5. There should be a short pause after each exhale before the next inhale.
According to the Cleveland Clinic website, it is recommended to initially practice diaphragmatic breathing exercises 5-10 minutes about 3-4 times per day. (2) If no dizziness or discomfort is noted, gradually increase the length of time as desired.
I hope that after reading the benefits of diaphragmatic breathing, you will take the last 5-10 minutes of your busy day to perform this type of deep, relaxed breathing. You may be amazed how it may benefit your daily life. Remember, we all get stressed and overwhelmed in life, however, it is how we overcome and deal with these emotions that matter.
1. Abu-Hijleh MF, Habbal OA, Moqattash ST. The role of the diaphragm in lymphatic absorption from the peritoneal cavity. J Anat. 1995;186 (Pt 3):453-467.
2. Diaphragmatic Breathing. Cleveland Clinic website. Updated September 14, 2018. Accessed December 27, 2020.
3. Diaphragmatic Breathing. Physiotec Website. Copyright 1996 to 2020. Accessed December 27, 2020.
4. Drake R, Vogel A, Mitchell A. Gray’s Anatomy for Students. 2nd ed. Churchill Livingstone, an imprint of Elsevier Inc.; 2010.
5. Hadjiliadis D, Harron P, Zieve D. Diaphragm and lungs. National Library of Medicine: Medline Plus. Updated May 16, 2019. Accessed December 5, 2020.
6. Ma X, Yue ZQ, Gong ZQ, et al. The Effect of Diaphragmatic Breathing on Attention, Negative Affect and Stress in Healthy Adults. Front Psychol. 2017;8:874. Published 2017 Jun 6.doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2017.00874