Blogs by Topic:
Why Physical therapy or Occupational therapy:
Choose PT First to save time and money
Are you a smart consumer of Healthcare?
Pain relief without medication
What you need to know about arthritis
Your x-rays and MRIs show us the wrinkles on the inside
A new way to Treat Fibromyalgia
Share your goals; they’re important to us!
Back and Neck Pain:
Best way to get rid of back and neck pain
Essential Exercises for Back pain
Can PT help with Headaches/ Migraines?
Can PT help Back Pain? What we learned from Starbucks
Prevent and Treat Shoulder Pain
Elbow Tendonitis, a.k.a Tennis Elbow
Wrist/ Hand:
Why Flip Flops may not be your best option
Pelvic Health:
What is Pelvic Health Physical Therapy
How to stay active during pregnancy
Tips & Tricks to Prepare for Surgery
Stronger going into Surgery, Stronger Coming out.
Common Interventions:
Should I be Stretching or Strengthening?
A PTs Guide to Snow Shoveling Safety
Winter Safety in Industry: Navigating Cold Conditions with Confidence
Finding your balance in winter
Keeping your arms and hands safe in the Winter
Protecting your joints with summer activities
Information for all of our Green Thumbs
Preventing Pickleball Injuries
Could early specialization be the problem?
Everything you need to know about Concussions
Importance of Baseline Concussion Testing
Return to Running, Spring Edition
Injury Prevention, do shoes matter?
Orchestra and Performing Arts:
Industrial medicine:
Impact of Athletic Trainers in Industrial Care
Lifting Basics Part 1: Warm-ups, Cool-downs, Strengthening
Lifting Basics Part 2: Safe Lifting Practices ALL Workers Should Know.
Lifting Basics Part 3: Exploring Safe and Effective Lifting Techniques
Lifting Basics Part 4: Effective Ways to Safely Move Objects
Tactical Medicine:
Return to Work Assessment for an Injured Police Officer
Police Support Staff Person of the Year
Things we learned from participating in a mass-casualty simulation
Getting more activity during your workday
Decrease Fatigue and Reduce Stiffness
Direct Contracting:
Our role in providing exceptional care to the employees of local School Districts
Importance of physical activity
Why you need a PT on your team
The 4 P’s of Energy Conservation
Hidden Aches and Pains caused by Cell Phones
How to decrease the aches and pains brought on by using your phone
Movement Vital Sign, what is that?
You’re never too old to strength train
Improve your mood with exercise, especially during the holidays
Importance of Building Strength
Meet the Team:
The 4 P's of Energy Conservation
The 4 P’s of Energy Conservation
Laura Johnson, PT, DPT
Has it been exhausting for you to complete your typical morning routine, or maybe you are having shortness of breath while grocery shopping? When individuals have a diagnosis of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD), Multiple Sclerosis (MS), or Congestive Heart Failure (CHF), or are recovering from a recent illness or surgery, it can be difficult to complete daily chores due to fatigue and decreased activity tolerance. Your lungs and heart may not be working as efficiently as they should, so it is important to conserve energy throughout the day.
In order to succeed, there are 4 simple steps to consider, and we are going to refer to these as the 4 P’s of Energy Conservation
1. PRIORITIZE: Decide what needs to be done today, and what can wait for a later date. Try to scatter your household chores throughout the week. One day for laundry, next day for vacuuming and another day for grocery shopping. If you are partaking in a social engagement, plan to skip some daily activities to reserve some energy before the fun begins! A good quality rest period each day is best!
2. PLAN: Plan ahead to avoid extra trips. Gather supplies and equipment needed before starting an activity. For example, before showering, make sure your towel, clothes and necessary daily items are all located in the bathroom area. Also have a chair available to provide yourself a seated rest break if needed. Another technique is to plan to alternate heavy and light tasks. Find a good balance between work, rest and leisure.
3. PACE: Slow and steady pace, never rushing! Some individuals try to complete as many tasks as possible, as quickly as possible. Unfortunately, this leads to complete exhaustion, and inability to perform tasks later in the day. This can also lead to a greater chance of falls due to increased fatigue: We all know a fall can be extremely traumatic. Plan to rest before you feel tired. Provide yourself with enough time to take short, frequent rest breaks.
4. POSITION: Think about your body position while completing tasks throughout the day. Bending and reaching can cause fatigue and shortness of breath. There is adaptive equipment available to make some daily tasks less stressful on your body. Examples are: 1) Use a reacher to grasp the cleaning supplies in the low cupboard, 2) Use elastic shoe laces to avoid bending over to tie your shoes, or 3) Use a sock aid to get your socks or compression stockings on. Eliminating some strain when bending or reaching will allow your lungs to expand more fully, which in turn helps get more oxygen into the body.
Conserving your energy can allow you to complete the tasks you want to complete throughout the day. You do not want to run out of energy before the day is through and we definitely do not want you to entirely stop your activity for constant rest. Get moving, but move smarter!
If you’re interested in developing an energy conservation plan specific to your needs, contact one of our physical or occupational therapists today to discuss it further.
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